(NAFB) – The ethanol industry is barring no efforts to hold onto year-round E15 sales approved by the last administration, and now under challenge by the oil industry.
Ethanol producers now await a D.C. federal appeals court decision on rehearing their loss to oil refiners over summertime E15 sales. A rehearing by the full court would buy time until next summer.
Renewable Fuels Association head Geoff Cooper says the Trump EPA rule has already led to major E15 expansion.
And despite E15’s environmental benefits, the Biden EPA did not ask the court to rehear its decision, disappointing RFA, Growth Energy and National Corn Growers, who all appealed.
Midwest ethanol lawmakers are pursuing a legislative fix for E15, but some admit that’s time-consuming, not a general legislative priority and as in the courts, will face fierce oil industry opposition.