BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – More than 258,100 pounds of unusable pesticides were collected and shipped out of state in the 2021 Project Safe Send collections.
“Nearly 350 North Dakota farmers, ranchers, applicators, homeowners and others took part in the collections,” Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said. “It demonstrates the need for a program that enables people to safely get rid of unusable, unneeded or unwanted pesticides, free of charge.”
The collections were conducted during July in 12 communities: Langdon, Devils Lake, Larimore, Bismarck, Dickinson, Hettinger, Ashley, Harvey, Minot, Tioga, Valley City and Wyndmere.
Larimore recorded the largest collection with 47,998 pounds. Valley City was second with 33,380 pounds of unusable pesticides.
The North Dakota Department of Agriculture contracted Veolia Environmental Services, Blaine, MN, to collect, repackage and transport the waste chemicals to out-of-state incinerators.
Project Safe Send is funded by pesticide manufacturers through product registration fees in North Dakota.
“Project Safe Send is a recognized model as a means for the public to safely get rid of these chemicals and help ensure a healthy environment,” Goehring said. “The need for this program will continue, as more people learn how it benefits them and as more pesticides become obsolete and are no longer usable for current applications.”