JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – If you’ve considered becoming a foster parent or foster family, now is the time according to Nexus-PATH Family Healing.
Jodi Haugland is a foster care social worker with the organization.
Haugland says a few years ago, Nexus and PATH had combined to form their new service.
Nexus-PATH provides foster care services for children and youth between the ages of 0 through 21 that have a mental health diagnosis, those who are in the child welfare system, or who struggle with higher levels of aggressive, sexually problematic, and/or autism spectrum behaviors.
Because there’s a big need for foster families, Haugland says they’ve planned a Foster Parent Inquiry Meeting for August 19th at their offices in Jamestown to help answer questions or provide guidance for the next step in the foster care system.
The inquiry meeting will be held on August 19th from 7 to 8 PM at 300 2nd Avenue NE, Suite 202 in the Business Center. If you have questions, you can visit nexuspath.org or call 701-251-9150.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Jodi Haugland below: