(NAFB) – The 2022 Farmers’ Almanac hits store shelves this week and contains 184 pages of helpful tips, calendars, and guides to help you plan your year ahead.
It also features weather forecasts for the next 16 months, plus useful advice on ways to take cues from nature to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
Editor Pete Geiger states, “we encourage readers to take time to head outdoors and reconnect with the environment by growing their own food, shopping locally, and using natural remedies whenever possible.”
But even though “farmers” is in the title, the publication reaches far beyond them. The Almanac and its readers have evolved. No longer does the Farmers’ Almanac contain husbandry tips for farm animals, but it does suggest the best days to cut your hair and lawn to increase growth, quit a bad habit, grow basil, and brew beer.
Learn more online at FarmersAlmanac.com