JAMESTOWN, N.D. (newsDakota.com) – The City of Jamestown’s population grew by more than 400 in 10 years according to numbers released by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Jamestown population was reported to be 15,849, higher than the 15,427 reported in the 2010 Census. Stutsman County’s population was reported to be 21,593 residents, up from the 21,100 reported in the 2010 Census.
North Dakota’s total population was 779,094 in the 2020 count, up more than 15% from the 2010 Census. The top five populated counties were Cass, Burleigh, Grand Forks, Ward, and Williams. Stutsman is the 8th highest populated county.
Other population counts from the 2020 Census include 3,397 in Foster County, 10,853 in Barnes County, 4,093 in LaMoure County, and 2,394 in Kidder County.