Photos and article courtesy of Jamestown Chamber of Commerce
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The chamber Young Professionals of Jamestown and the Chamber Ambassadors recently recognized Pioneer Bait Shop as the August Business of the Month Award recipient for their outstanding customer service and continued commitment to the community.
“Thelma is pretty awesome. Not only does she run the Pioneer Bait Shop she also is involved with Farmers Market. She always has a positive attitude. I admire her so much for being able to manage her Shop. Her Shop has been open for over 25 years.”
Thelma stated that they have been open for 37 years. Pioneer Bait Shop is located at 598 5th St NW in Jamestown.
The Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce honors businesses that provide superior customer service, exhibit community spirit and provide a positive economic impact to the community.
This award provides recognition throughout the month with a plaque and a recognition banner for the month. Monthly award winners will be considered for the Business of the Year to be awarded in January of 2022.
Business of the Month award nomination forms are available at the Chamber office and online at www.jamestownchamber.com. Call 701-252-4830 for more information.