Article by Brianna Mayhair
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JRMC) – The Huron Consulting Group named Jamestown Regional Medical Center a top-performer in healthcare this month.
Huron helps organizations develop the strategies, align resources and utilize technologies and data to improve operations, optimize investments and drive growth. In a hospital setting, this translates into the best care for patients. The group named JRMC its 2021 Excellence in Healthcare award recipient for patient experience (HCAHPS).
“Our selections were based off clients who showcased excellent outcomes and innovations throughout this very challenging year,” said Rudy Martinez, leadership coach and account manager. “JRMC’s core belief in being patient-centered shows consistently with HCAHPS top decile performance.”
This Excellence in Healthcare award is a testament to JRMC’s hard work and dedication to excellence, especially in the year of our pandemic, Martinez said.
“We’re proud of our legendary team,” said JRMC President & CEO Mike Delfs. “This award is one more example of what makes JRMC a destination for care in the state.”
In 2021 alone, the National Rural Health Association named JRMC a Top 20 Critical Access Hospital. Prairie Business Magazine named JRMC a Best Place to Work in the Upper Midwest.
“Our team continues to work toward our vision of being the best rural hospital in the country for patients to receive care, employees to work and providers to practice,” Delfs said.
JRMC will receive the award at Huron’s annual What’s Right in Healthcare conference in August.