Trap League News 8-3-21
Mitchell Broadwell had a good evening, scoring 24 in both trap and skeet. Nice scores. Ethan Bear was top score on 5-stand with 21 which is pretty fair considering some of targets are those d—d rabbit mimics.
I’d like to thank everyone for getting all their scores in on the Triple Dog Dare. The final results are: High Trap-71 Lewis Legge, High Skeet-68 Mitch Anderson, High 5-stand-60 Mark Anderson and Jason Anderson, High Gun 192-Mark Anderson and Jason Anderson.
This will be my last article for the season. Yeah, I know, not a dry eye in the house. Well, maybe everybody needs a break from my skewed sense of humor. Anyways, early goose is soon upon us. Shoot well.
Lewis Legge