
(NAFB) – The National Biodiesel Board launched an ad campaign calling on President Biden to maintain his commitment to the Renewable Fuel Standard.

The ads will air on more than 200 radio stations.

“As a candidate last August, Joe Biden called the Renewable Fuel Standard ‘our bond with our farmers and our commitment to a thriving rural economy.’ But now there are reports he’s considering handouts to oil refiners at the expense of biodiesel producers and soybean farmers,” the ad says. “Contact your member of Congress and let them know that it’s time for the president to make good on his promise to support Midwest farmers and biodiesel producers.”

Kurt Kovarik, NBB Vice President for Federal Affairs, says, “The Renewable Fuel Standard is a vital policy for the biodiesel industry and soybean producers. Instability in the program creates economic uncertainty for the communities where biodiesel production generates jobs and economic growth.”

As members of Congress return to their home states this summer, Kovarik wants them to hear the message and encourage the president to maintain his commitment to the RFS program and our rural communities. The U.S. biodiesel and renewable diesel industry support 65,000 jobs and more than $17 billion in economic activity every year.