JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Dr. Nick Schmidt says parents and guardians should keep backpack safety in the back of their mind with school around the corner.
Dr. Schmidt says while backpain may be more prominent in adults, it can start at a younger age too.
It’s estimated that the average child’s backpack may weigh upwards to the equivalent of 40 pounds to a man and 29 pounds to a woman. He says these early strains on young backs will eventually lead to future back problems as they get older.
Dr. Schmidt says it’s recommended that kids look at reducing the weight in a child’s backpack to 10% of their bodyweight.
Having a conversation with the child’s teacher to adjust the weight load and adjusting how the backpack is worn are other ways to help prevent back pain for a child.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Dr. Nick Schmidt below: