VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – “Last Monday was the “Let’s Walk Valley City” event. There were many booths providing education, fun and fellowship for approximately 600 people who attended. Thank you for a great job to all who organized the event and worked the booths.
A lady asked me if I would “please” mention that there are many cigarette butts lying around town. A cigarette filter can take 18 months – 10 years to decompose. So PLEASE dispose of your cigarette butts and packages properly. Keep Valley City beautiful, thank you.
Valley City State University (VCSU) held a “kick-off “ for its Forward Together Capital Campaign. VCSU is one of the “faces” of Valley City so please research the Forward Together Capital Campaign and consider helping.
TREES are important to protecting lawns, flowers, street surfaces, reduce storm water runoff, increase property values and are beautiful. Trees are stressing and you can make a difference WATERING them. Birch trees especially appear to be having a tough time. Please research the Emerald Ash Borer as we have many Ash trees in Valley City:
The COVID-19 variant is attacking non-vaccinated people creating illness and some deaths. Get your vaccination, as your family and friends want you alive and healthy.
August 5th, be watching for “The Longest Table”. For details see:
Thank you to contributors again this week.”
Blessings, Be Respectful, Be Kind and Pray
Dave Carlsrud
Mayor of Valley City