
Valley City Trap League News 7-20-21 ( Submitted by Lewis Legge:


The usual suspects at the club house Tuesday night.  High scores for the evening are:  Trap-Ron Koslofsky, Calvin Bjornson and Dan Anderson-24. 5 stand-Mitch Anderson and Jason Anderson-23, skeet-Pat Sherman and Lewis Legge-24.

To my fellow shooters in Triple Dog Dare: You can thank me anytime for waiting until after competition to turn in a decent skeet score.

The standings

in Triple Dog Dare are: 5-stand-Jason Anderson and Mark Anderson 60, Trap-Lewis Legge 71, Skeet-Mitch Anderson 68, High gun-Jason Anderson-192.

Crazy Daze Fund Raiser: Reminder that the Valley City High School Trap Club will be selling buffalo burgers Wednesday, July 28th at Valley Meat in Valley City.  AND there will be fried onions.

Thank for your support and shoot well.