WEST FARGO, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a statement from West Fargo Republican Representative Austen Schauer in support of District 24 Rep. Dwight Kiefert of Valley City.
“It is with sadness and some anger to hear Rep. Dwight Kiefert is the target of recall election. That is incomprehensible.
I have known Rep. Kiefert for several years and have the utmost respect for him. He is grounded and guided by his principles which were established through the suffering and heartache of losing a child and his deep faith in God.
To anyone in his District who believes he is not representing them or is not pursuing a Pro-Life, Pro-Business, Pro-Family, Pro-Second Amendment, Pro-Country agenda, you are sadly mistaken.
This recall effort is shameful. If the criteria is Dwight’s vote on a man who verbally and cowardly abused women in the workplace, than we have a serious problem. And the problem is not Dwight Kiefert.”
Respectfully submitted,
Austen Schauer
District 13
West Fargo
N.D. Republican Representative.
Representative Austen Schauer.
But, recall committee chairman Shane Anderson believes Rep. Kiefert is failing to meet the standards of a Republican.
Below is a statement of support from the N.D. GOP in support of Rep. Dwight Kiefert.
The following is a statement by North Dakota House Majority Leader Republican Chet Pollert of Carrington, N.D.
“A recent petition filed to recall Representative Dwight Kiefert (District 24, Valley City) is a misguided attempt by a select group of individuals to thwart the democratic process for their own gain. The petition was filed Monday with the Secretary of State by Shane Anderson of Valley City. “We as a party cannot support these actions. This sets the precedent that it is acceptable for a select, inside group of people to remove a duly elected representative because they don’t agree with a certain vote. I do not support the actions of these individuals in District 24,” said Majority Leader Chet Pollert (District 29, Carrington).
“The House Republican Caucus does not support the efforts of a fringe group to undo the will of the voters. We recognize that as citizen legislators representing different constituents, we will not agree on every issue. Our different perspectives drive debate and discussions that lead to the best outcomes for the citizens of North Dakota. This petition in my view damages the legislative process. It takes away the collaboration we as legislators have with constituents and gives power to a handful of disgruntled individuals,” said House Republican Caucus Leader Glenn Bosch (District 30 Bismarck).
Representative Kiefert has served in the North Dakota House since 2013. He was re-elected in 2020 with nearly 30% of the vote and was the top vote getter for District 24.”