JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob Lech provided the newly organized school board with an update on the strategic plan moving forward.
Right now, Dr. Lech says he is working with the executive team to review and make suggested updates to the districts current plan.
Dr. Lech says some plans may not be as relevant as they were two or three years ago.
He added that he foresees keeping the same six strategic initiatives within the update. These include: Academic Engagement and Personalized Learning, Professional Learning and Development, Social and Emotional Learning, Resource Management and Planning, Engagement in Extra and Co-Curricular Activities, Continuous Improvement and Data-Driven Decision Making.
Dr. Lech says the plan will include “Ongoing objectives” and “completed objectives” that will be presented at each meeting. He says setting monthly goals will help keep the school board informed on what’s been done and what is being focused on next.
The school board also voted to have Greg Allen as board President.
You can watch the full school board meeting courtesy of Jamestown Video below: