VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Thankfully mosquitoes have been few in most places this year. Please drain puddles & empty containers holding water (maybe behind the garage?) to keep the numbers low.
Check your TREES! Many Birch Trees are stressing … try water and many Maple Trees have Chlorosis. Please help them.
A few people have asked about the aerobatic performances taking place north of town. We are one of only two North Dakota communities to have an “Aerobatic Box” where these performances can be seen. An Aerobatic Box is 2.5 miles wide & deep with a 10,000-foot ceiling north of our airport. Recently Aerobatic Competency Examiners, “ACE Pilots”, from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) were here to certify aerobatic performance these pilots can perform. Specific performances are certified for this year’s air shows around the country. The two planes we see are the only ones in the nation, at this point, having jet engines in addition to the prop engines. We are of the very few who can see such planes and performances from our own homes. Enjoy them.
I hope you folks have seen the wonderful projects our Beautification Committee has been doing around town. Thank you to all who have contributed to further beautifying Valley City. There are opportunities for you to help too; contact Brandy at 845-8125.
There is new lighting on the City Park Footbridge. Thank you to our Electrical Department.
July 12th @ 5:00pm Magician Jonathan May performs at the Barnes County Library.
August 5th, be watching for “The Longest Table”. For details see: http://www.vclongesttable.org/
Blessings, Be Kind, Be Respectful and Pray, Dave Carlsrud
Mayor of Valley City.