WASHINGTON, D.C. (NAFB) – There’s little room for a legislative ‘fix’ to a D.C. federal court ruling that would end summertime use of E15 gas if not reversed on appeal.
Longtime ethanol backer and Iowa U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley suggests an Environmental Protection Agency appeal of the D.C. appellate court ruling against summertime E15 is the more likely path to reversal.
Grassley says if there is a legislative path, he’ll be on board, but fierce oil industry opposition and a time-consuming floor fight make it unlikely legislative leaders will take that path.
Grassley agrees with ethanol industry groups the D.C. federal court ruling won’t likely take effect this summer, leaving months to find a court or legislative fix before the 2022 summer driving season.
A pending House bill would fix a flaw in statute that led to last month’s Supreme Court ruling against ethanol on small oil refinery waivers. But so far, the political and legal ‘stars’ haven’t aligned for biofuels.