


Valley City Trap League News 06/29/21 (


Beautiful evening on the range.  No wind, no bugs and sunshine. What more could you ask for? Well, maybe ice cream.

Anyway, spring league shooting is a wrap and Trip Dog Dare is up and active.  Thank you everyone and the sponsors for supporting league shooting.

League final results are:  Big Country Grapple 626, Valley Meat 587, Smith Lumber 530, PPI 522, Fish and Wildlife 499, ND-DOT 411, RC Welding 378.

Individual high scoring results: Caitlyn Thoreson-High Junior Women, Eric Ingstad-High Junior Men, Jennifer Anderson-High Adult Women, Lewis Legge-High Adult Men, Shawn Anderson-shot a perfect 25 in skeet, Lewis Legge ran 25 in trap.

Thanks again everyone. Shoot well.


Submitted by Lewis Legge