Photo: Little Free Library
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A goal of the James River Valley Library System (JRVLS) is to expand the accessibility of reading to everyone.
Stutsman County Library Branch Manager Nichole Greshik says over the summer, the Bookmobile will continue to deliver programming around the Stutsman County. The first of many events was the Summer Reading Kickoff at Leapaldt Park in Jamestown.
Greshik says their programming with the Bookmobile will continue through August with Story Strolls and STEAM programs twice a month at Lepaldt, Meidinger, and Nickeus parks. This also includes various communities in Stutsman County.
She added that their work expanding reach doesn’t stop there. Greshik says they’re excited to bring “Little Free Libraries” to communities in Stutsman County.
These small libraries will be stocked using the Bookmobile and will be registered with the Little Free Library organization so they can be located online. Greshik says the plan is to install these in Cleveland, Ypsilanti, and Pingree with plans to start bookshelves in Woodworth and Kensal.
She says they will hope to have these stocked and ready to use by the end of August.
For more information on the Little Free Library or bookmobile schedule, visit jrvls.org.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Nichole Greshik and Joe Rector below: