VALLEY CITY, N.D. (AFGC) – Barnes County farmer John Triebold directed a $2,500 Bayer Fund America’s Farmers Grow Communities (AFGC) donation to the Technology and Engineering Education Department. Tech Ed will use the funds to purchase a CO2 car elevated racetrack.
“This racetrack will take our CO2 car unit to a big finish. The students can even learn how to watch the Christmas tree start gate to work on their reaction time to push the start trigger, which will affect their finish in the race. It’s community members like John Triebold that lift our school programs to this level and we are so appreciative of this gift,” said, Annette Beattie, Tech & Engineering Education instructor.
The CO2 racetrack will be used as the culmination of the CO2 car unit in which students learn orthographic drawing, aerodynamic concepts, and how to apply minimum and maximum measurement specifications. They design a concept on paper and then create it from a block of balsa wood using a band saw, drill press and sandpaper. Their finished cars are then raced against each other with one of the goals of the project to be the fastest car in the class. Some races are very close and difficult to tell who won even watching slo-mo video. This track uses laser sensors to determine the winner. It also gives the option of letting students launch their cars using the Christmas Tree light system used in real life racing. Since this track is elevated, it can be set up in the Tech Ed room instead of the whole class going to the gym and interrupting a physical education class.
Since 2010, the America’s Farmers programs have awarded more than $59 million to nonprofits, aspiring ag students and public schools across rural America. Farmers are leaders in their communities, which is why America’s Farmers programs rely on them to help identify the most worthy causes.
Dedicated to making a difference in rural farming communities, the Grow Communities program asks farmers across the country to participate by nominating nonprofit organizations with resources to strengthen their local communities. Last August, farmers entered for the chance to direct a $2,500 Grow Communities donation to a local eligible nonprofit of their choice. Farmers have directed donations to food banks, emergency response organizations, schools, youth agriculture programs and many others that reflect the spirit and support the vibrancy of rural America.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone, including those in rural regions, and farmers play a critical role in helping communities overcome challenges, like the ones we’re currently facing” said Al Mitchell, Bayer Fund president. “Bayer Fund is proud to work side-by-side with farmers to identify local eligible nonprofit organizations that are able to provide their residents with solutions that leave a lasting impact.”