JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Police & Fire Committee will look at further exploring a future south Public Safety Building for the Jamestown Police Department and Fire Department.
Jamestown Police Chief Scott Edinger says they’ve already started preliminary work with Interstate Engineering to put together an early proposal.
Chief Edinger says the Police Department continues to take in evidence and property as cases continue to come through the department.
Chief Edinger says they currently sit at over 3,500 items of evidence and property, even as they purge and destroy evidence from completed cases. Evidence is kept at various locations, but he says creating a future Public Safety Building in South Jamestown could create more space.
Chief Edinger says they would hope to also have this space for a backup dispatch, training, and more.
Because the plan is in the early preliminary spaces, there are not proposed areas for placement or land acquisition costs at this time.
Jamestown Fire Chief Jim Ruether says their current southside location at the bottom of Mill Hill has had “bandaids” and the discussion of a new public safety building has been in talk for a while.
Chief Reuther says the biggest consideration they need at this time is to start finding possible locations.
City Engineer Travis Dillman says their preliminary plans are only based on certain dimensions and there are no cost estimates because it’s too early.
It was moved to have discussion on the next council meeting agenda to either create a study group in the future public safety building.