VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – What a beautiful day and great crowd were afforded us for Rally in the Valley. Thank you to all the folks who facilitated the wonderful community event for all to enjoy.
The Fire Department had a touching, well done Memorial Dedication with a flyover as a part of the Rally. Thank you to all the firefighters who participated in fundraising and construction to make it happen. Stop by and see the beautiful display on the east side of the Fire Hall.
A reminder, many business owners rent dumpsters for their businesses. Please know the dumpsters are for private, NOT public use. This is an ordinance violation and can result in penalties. Please respect the rights of the people paying the rent.
The other day I went to a business that furnished bite-size candy treats. When I left, there was an empty wrapper lying just outside the door! Let’s do like our Mom’s told us to do, dispose of garbage (cigarette wrappers too) appropriately. Try carrying a small garbage bag or box in your vehicle; it is pretty unobtrusive. “Please think before you toss” thank you again.
Perhaps you noticed a great number of young people applying mulch and working with new plantings around town. Thank you to our Beautification Committee and youth from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for all your work. It looks GREAT!! There were more than 300 young women attending the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS Conference at VCSU. Thank you for choosing Valley City and I hope you will visit us again.
On Thursday, August 5th, be watching for “The Longest Table”. For more details call Event Coordinator Andrea Nelson or get registered online as soon as possible. Log on to the following website. see: http://www.vclongesttable.org/