
By Lauren Bjork

BISMARCK, N.D. (NDDOT) – Law enforcement agencies across the state participated in the Obey The Sign or Pay The Fine enforcement campaign from April 23-May 23, 2021 to reinforce the importance of driving the speed limit.

A total of 3,000 citations were made throughout the enforcement patrols. Of those citations, 2,621 were tickets for speeding. Traffic stops also resulted in 132 other traffic citations (i.e. disobeying traffic signals, equipment violations), five citations for running a red light, 45 suspended/revoked license violations, eight drug arrests, 47 uninsured motorists, 57 seat belt citations, and one DUI.

In 2020, 25% of motor vehicle fatalities in North Dakota were speed-related. Speeding and/or aggressive driving is defined as speeding, driving too fast for conditions, following too close, or operating a vehicle in a reckless, negligent or aggressive manor.

High-visibility enforcement for traffic safety is one element of the Vision Zero Summer H.E.A.T. (Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic) strategy to eliminate motor vehicle crash fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads. H.E.A.T. will continue through August to encourage everyone to wear a seat belt, use appropriate child passenger safety seats, drive sober and distraction-free, and follow all posted speed limits.

Learn more about safety initiatives at VisionZero.ND.gov or join the conversation on the Vision Zero ND Facebook or Twitter page. View memorials of individuals who lost their life due to a motor vehicle crash on the North Dakota Crash Memorial Wall.