
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – With over 1,000 job openings in Region 6, Jamestown Job Service is looking to help prospective employees and employers get connected.

Workforce Center Manager Danica Chaput says they continue to provide their job seeker service, with available computers and resume help. Their database at is always available and individuals can upload their resume on the site for possible employers to view.

Chaput says in Region 6, which includes Wells, Foster, Stutsman, Griggs, Barnes, Logan, McIntosh, LaMoure, Dickey, there’s a majority of jobs that are paying more than $20 an hour starting wage.

Of those jobs, 41.9% require a bachelor’s degree or higher and 58% require at least a High School diploma or GED.

As far as opportunity locally, Chaput says there continues to be openings in Stutsman and surrounding counties.

Chaput says their services aren’t limited to just potentially employees, Employers are reminded there is no charge to post a job and you can utilize the candidate search to look for resumes that may match the skills for your current opening.

She says they can also provide training through their Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. These funds may be available for eligible individuals for assistance for in demand occupations and completed in under 3 years.

If you have questions, contact Jamestown Job Service at 701.253.6205, visit or email Danica Chaput at

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Danic Chaput below: