VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality (NDDEQ) awarded loans for water, sanitary and storm sewer projects to two communities and a water district through the State Revolving Fund Programs in May.
- Valley City received a $250,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan and a $180,000 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan towards replacement of an aging water main, storm and sanitary sewer. This project will ensure the safe transmission of water, sanitary sewer and stormwater for the residents.
- All Seasons Water Users District received a $371,000 DWSRF loan to install a below-grade concrete reservoir and a booster pump station south of Rolla to increase flow in low-pressure areas, thus providing increased pressures to the existing system.
- Flaxton received a $993,000 DWSRF loan to replace lead water service lines. The project will protect public health by reducing exposure to lead.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides part of the SRF Programs funding, which offers below-market interest rate loans to political subdivisions for financing projects authorized under the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act. SRF programs operate nationwide to provide funding to maintain and improve the infrastructure that protects our vital water resources.
Loans are awarded to projects listed on the NDDEQ project priority list based on project eligibility and repayment ability.
Please contact the NDDEQ regarding specific detail on any of the projects mentioned above.