VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Barnes County 38 is closed five miles west of the City of Litchville due to overland flooding conditions. No detour is provided. Please seek alternate routes. Motorists are advised to drive with caution in Southwest rural Barnes County. Overland flooding is causing damage to many county and township roadways.
Also a portion of Barnes County 21 will be closed just north of the City of Kathryn or approximately 13.5 miles south of Valley City and 4 miles north of North Dakota #46.
Knife River Materials will be repairing the hill slide. A detour will be provided however it will be restricted to 50,000 pounds Gross Vehicle Weight. Vehicles exceeding 50,000 pounds are advised to seek an alternate route. This closure is expected to last all summer with a tentative reopening in mid-September of 2021.