Photo: MacKenzie Hanson
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Damages were reported across Stutsman County following Monday night and Tuesday morning storms.
Stutsman County Emergency Manager Andrew Kirking says from 5 PM Monday evening, 12 thunderstorm warnings, 2 tornado warnings, and 3 flood advisories were issued. The Stutsman County Highway Department reportedly closed some roads in the Ypsilanti area due to high water.
“Just because culverts can’t keep up with the runoff,” Kirking explained. “We expect them to be open again in 24 to 48 hours assuming no more rain. We don’t think there will be too much damage to the roads themselves.”
Below is a compiled list of damages he had received from across the county.
-Medina area has significant water in ditches, fields.
Water running down roads and no power. Ottertail power has been notified and is on-scene making repairs.
Lift station is without power and has potential to be a mitigation grant project in the future.
-I94 west of Cleveland has high water, though still drivable.
Water is flowing and dropping as designed.
Several vehicles were pulled over between 0800 and 0900 due to reduced visibility and one car had windows broken due to hail.
-Montpelier received approximately 7” of rain and hail with standing water slowly draining out.
Multiple trees down and city cleanup underway.
Councilman passed along rumors of tornado appx. 7 mi SE, but could not confirm.
Straight-line winds in the area likely the culprit for damages in and around town.
-Buchanan sirens activated last night due to funnel cloud witnessed by deputy in area.
Mayor reported gusty winds and appx. 1” rain, but did not see any funnel cloud.
Expressed gratitude to PSAP of airing on the side of caution and sounding siren, rather than waiting and activating too late.
-No agricultural damages reported at this time per NDSU Extension.
“Many folks [were] grateful to have received rain, though admittedly too much too fast in some areas,” Kirking stated. “Severe weather threat persists today through Thursday, possibly interfering with cleanup and/or causing additional damages.”
Below are some photos of damages and water reports in Stutsman County: