JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The City of Jamestown approved a bid for the purchase of a new 6-Way Dozer for the Solid Waste Department.
Three bids were opened by Assistant City Attorney Abby Geroux after the city approved to wave some irregularities with two of the bids.
The lowest bid came from RDO Equipment at a cost of $389,850. The city unanimously approved to accept the bid.
Later, Mayor Dwaine Heinrich informed the council of an item on the agenda regarding a future project on 12th Avenue SE and 3rd St. SE.
The contract for a Preliminary Engineering Reimbursement agreement between the city and NDDOT was unanimously approved.
The city council also approved the grant agreement with the State of North Dakota for the final $333,333 for the fire department’s ladder truck and established a James River Valley Library Building Fund for a future library project.