Fargo, N.D. (Newsdakota.com) – Fargo Police are at the scene of a reported stabbing at a restaurant in the downtown area. According to reports the incident happened during the lunch at hour at the Mexican Village on Main Ave. Police say that Main Ave. in the downtown area is currently closed. It’s been reported that at least one person was stabbed. No word on injuries yet.
Here is a portion of a Facebook post by Fargo PD:
Update at 3:34: The stand off with Fargo police and a female who attacked multiple people with a large knife is now over… Details are limited. But we do know that the woman was taken into custody just minutes ago…
Update at 3:14: Fargo Police now say that there are 3 people that there aware of that were stabbed in this incident. All three have non-life-threatening injuries… The attacker is still locked inside an SUV at the Mexican Village parking lot.
Update at 2:24: The stand off continues with a woman who stabbed two other women at the Mexican Village in downtown Fargo today… Police can be heard asking the woman with the knife who has locked herself in an SUV to put the knife in the back seat so they can help her. No official word yet on the condition of the two women who where stabbed yet. It’s being reported that the attacker was naked carrying a large knife with the attack occurred.