JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Chamber of Commerce’s Beautification Committee is once again holding their Yard of the Week program this summer.
The Yard of the Week program has been established to recognize those within the community that take pride in the appearance of their yard and do their part to beautify the community.
Chamber Executive Director Emily Bivens says the recipients are voted on by the committee each week. She says they’ll look to begin the program by June 1st, but they need nominations to begin the process.
The Yard of the Week program will run through September. Visit jamestownchamber.com to submit a nomination.
In other Chamber information, Bivens says they’re also reopening their in-person business trainings with the next one planned for May 18th.
Registration deadline is May 7th and there is a cost to join the training.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Emily Bivens below: