L to R – Tyra Kamoni Hatch, Riley Widman, Haylee Widman, Kendra Cleghorn
Photo Submitted
Submitted by Robin Barnes
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NDSU Extension) – Stutsman County 4-H hosted its 4th annual 4-H Equine Quiz Bowl on Saturday, April 24th at the University of Jamestown campus.
10 counties were represented with 9 junior teams ages 8-13 and 4 counties on 3 senior teams, ages 14-18, for a total of 47 contestants along with their coaches and drivers. This event tests the equine knowledge and the reaction times of each contestant as they must buzz in to be able to answer a question read, and earn points – or lose points.
Two teams compete against each other and are set up on a double elimination bracket, so each team is guaranteed two rounds. Points are tallied for each individual also.
Top 3 teams of each age group are awarded ribbons, and top 3 individuals of each group are awarded prizes and ribbons. Sponsors of some of these awards and ribbons were: NDSU Veterinary Technology Department, Stacey Ostby; On Tap Equine Services, LLC, Kelli Connolly; and Southwood Veterinary Clinic, Dr. Deb and Dr. Greg.
The Stutsman County 4-H senior team placed 2nd. Haylee Widman was 3rd high point individual, and Kendra Cleghorn was 2nd place individual. Morgan Baldwin, Sydney Davis, Caitlin Lautt and Pippa Lautt made up the Stutsman County junior team.
It takes a lot of volunteers to make this contest work as smoothly as it did. Thanks to the following: Aaron Baldwin, Laurie Christensen, Victoria Christensen, Kelli Connolly, Karen George, Kathryn Hetletvedt, Megan Karlowsky, Kali Lautt, Kourtnee Metz, Kayla Rodgers, Megan Scott, Sue Scott, & Michele Well. A special thank you to the University of Jamestown for allowing us to use their Orlady Hall facility as it works wonderful for this event.
If you have any questions about this contest or 4-H in general, give Robin a call at the NDSU Extension Stutsman County office, 502 10th Ave SE at 252-9030.