
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – An exclusivity agreement between the Spiritwood Energy Park Association (SEPA) and “Company X” has been extended for the fourth time.

SEPA met in a special meeting Wednesday afternoon before entering into executive session to discuss the agreement. The original end of the last extension was May 1st.

SEPA had originally entered an exclusivity agreement and non-disclosure agreement with the unnamed company in September 2019 after ending their agreement with Minnesota Soybean Processors for a soybean crushing plant at the park.

In other SEPA business, JSDC COO Connie Ova reports they have a phone call scheduled with Houweling Tomatoes for the commercial greenhouse project this Friday.

Ova says they have also asked them to be a keynote speaker at their annual meeting May 19th, pending COVID-19 restrictions.

SEPA Engineer Rich Garman reports they are working on installing possible heat sources for the greenhouse.

Garman says they’re also working with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to plant some trees at the Spiritwood Energy Park.

Garman also says the gravel road north of Dakota SpiritAg with tracks running across it is currently closed to traffic.

Ova says repairs to the road would cost roughly $1.9 million or more. Garman added that the rails are also at different elevations, with 2 to 3 feet differential. There are no concerns with the rail at this time.