JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Choralaires had their 2020 performances derailed due to COVID-19.
Now, member Roger Caine says they plan to return in some capacity for 2021.
The all-men choral group first began in 1955 and have performed in numerous shows and concerts. Caine says in 2020, the group didn’t hold a performance for the public, but met in different sessions to practice and prepared for the upcoming year.
Now, Caine says they’ll look to hold a concert on May 2nd at 2 PM at Temple Baptist Church. Caine says the large sanctuary will allow for concert goers and the Choralaires to perform safely for the public.
Caine says they hope to perform more concerts as the year progresses, adding they’ll look forward to hosting the regional Big Sing as time goes on.
The concert will be free and open to the public.
The Jamestown Choralaires are directed by Pam Burkhardt and will be accompanied by Cheryl McIntyre.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Roger Caine below: