
(NAFB) – Farm groups welcome President Joe Biden’s nomination of Robert Bonnie to oversee The Department of Agriculture’s Farm Production and Conservation mission area as undersecretary.

FPAC is significant to agriculture and includes the Farm Service Agency, which manages commodity programs and the Conservation Reserve Program, the Risk Management Agency, which administers crop insurance, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service, which manages conservation programs other than CRP.

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall says, “We appreciate his outreach and engagement with Farm Bureau during his tenure with the Biden administration, and we are hopeful he will remain fully engaged with farmers and ranchers in his new role.”

American Soybean Association President Kevin Scott says, “We have appreciated his public service in support of agriculture, and we respect Bonnie’s accessibility and responsiveness to us as farmers.”

Finally, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says Bonnie is “one of the nation’s foremost authorities and leaders on working lands approaches to conservation and incentive-based climate and conservation practices.”