Volunteers Don & Joyce Bentz at the 2018 Kiwanis Pancake Day. Photo: Jamestown Kiwanis Club
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (Jamestown Kiwanis) – With the help of the community, Jamestown Kiwanis has packaged more than 1 million meals for hungry families, rang bells for Salvation Army, supported student scholarships and delivered gifts to families in need at Christmas.
“Kids need Kiwanis, especially after the year of our pandemic,” said Jamestown Kiwanis President Searle Swedlund. “And Kiwanis needs the community’s support.”
To help finance its service projects, Jamestown Kiwanis holds its Pancake Day fundraiser once a year. The club raised about $9,500 in 2019. The club canceled Pancake Day in 2020 due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

“Like other nonprofits and service clubs, Kiwanis’ canceled event left a void in the community. Now more than ever, we hope the community will support this cause and give back to organizations that really need it,” said Kiwanis Pancake Day Co-Chair Toni Wegenast. “Kiwanis Pancake Day is a great way to safely spend time with family and also support area nonprofits.”
Again this year, Hugo’s Family Marketplace is sponsoring the event. That means every dollar raised is returned to the community, Wegenast said.
This year’s Pancake Day is set for 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, May 3 at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Tickets are $8 for adults, $4 for children, $24 for family and preschool and under are free. If purchased in advance, bulk tickets are available for as little as $4 per person.
To ensure the safety of all guests, Kiwanis is limiting seating to 50% capacity and also offering an option for to-go meals.
“Our mission is kids,” Swedlund said. “Offering these COVID-friendly options ensures they all stay safe.”
Other projects Kiwanis help includes:
-Purchasing snacks and hygiene products for the homeless in Jamestown
-Providing scholarships to Jamestown High School students
delivering Meals on Wheels
-Cleaning Camp Rokiwan (with the help of Jamestown Rotary)
coordinate annual blood drive
The 45 or so members of Kiwanis meet each Monday at noon. A satellite group also meets once monthly in the evening. New members are always welcome. To purchase tickets, or to learn more about Kiwanis contact any Kiwanis member, call Swedlund at (701) 251-9145 or email JamestownKiwanis@gmail.com.