VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a set of messages from Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud.
“Thank you to all people who have been “front line workers” during the battles with COVID-19. A few occupations where people are exposed to COVID-19 are: clergy, healthcare, law enforcement and education. If you meet people who serve in those professions, please say “thank you”.
We have had people contact city employees and city commissioners about issues with their neighbors. One of the questions I try to ask is, “have you visited with your neighbor about the issue”? Very often they have not! Seminars on “Conflict Resolution” tell us “communication resolves conflict”. We don’t have to be friends we just have to talk with each other. Whenever resolution can be reached without a third party, it will be better. If civil issues go to court, generally both parties lose. A friend of mine says, “The answer is usually somewhere in the middle”. Be neighborly, who knows, visiting could begin a good relationship.
Watch for the “Longest Table Pilot Project” to be followed by the “Longest Table Project”, “Summer Nights on Central” and “Rally in the Valley” coming soon. For further information email Andrea Nelson at (foundation@hellovalley.com) or Trinity Potts at (vdgoffice@hellovalley.com)
Last week we talked about Missouri River Energy Services (MRES). Have you thought about what our energy mix is? Valley City’s energy is 93% Carbon Free! Our carbon footprint has been reduced by nearly 50% since 2005.
Though nearing the end of the North Dakota Legislative session, there are still some legislative bills that could affect you. Communicate with your legislators if you have questions. See: https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/regular to track bills.