BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a District 24 Legislative Report from April 8th to April 15th by Representative Dwight Kiefert and Representative Cole Christensen submitted on Friday, April 16th.
“The end of the 67th Legislative Assembly is approaching quickly. The House and Senate continue to move forward on Conference Committees as some of our most impactful bills are being worked out between the two chambers. This week the House continued to concur on Senate amendments and adopt conference committee recommendations on important legislation.
On Thursday, April 8th, the House overwhelmingly concurred with the Senate Amendments to House Bill 1498. This legislation strengthens our state’s current stand your ground law. Under the current law, a person has a duty to attempt to retreat before using deadly force against an intruder illegally entering private property. This legislation removes that duty to retreat. Supporters of the bill argued that it enhances one’s right to protect themselves and their property from criminals. The bill now heads to the Governor’s desk.
On Monday, April 12th the House concurred on the Senate Amendments to HB 1323. This legislation narrowly passed the House earlier this session by a vote of 50-44. In its original form, this bill prohibited all state and local government officials from instituting any future mask mandates. Once the bill reached the Senate it was amended. In its current form, the bill still prevents any state official from instituting a mask mandate, but now allows cities and counties the ability to require the wearing of facemasks. Many members of the assembly felt that cities and counties are in a better position than the State to make policy decisions on the health and safety of their citizens.
On Tuesday, April 13th the House concurred with the Senate amendments to House Bill 1175 by a vote of 79-15. This bill provides immunity from civil lawsuits for businesses and hospitals for COVID-19 related incidents. Our businesses and frontline healthcare workers have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to continue providing essential services for the citizens of North Dakota. Many members of the assembly felt it would be unfair for them to be subjected to lawsuits resulting from the spread of a virus out of their control.
On Wednesday, April 14th the House concurred with Senate amendments to House Bill 1455. This bill adds requirements for utilities to include the potential closing of electric conversion facilities in their ten-year plan submitted to the Public Service Commission. Currently, each utility is required to submit a ten-year plan to the PSC if they are building or operating an electric conversion facility, which must be updated every two years; there is no requirement to notify the PSC of a potential facility closing. This bill adds such a requirement. Supporters argued that by notifying the Public Service Commission ahead of the closing of a facility, it will allow the state to prepare for the potential impact to our states electric grid and economy.
On Thursday, April 15th the House concurred with Senate amendments on HB 1396. This legislation provides that firearm manufacturers and dealers cannot be held civilly liable for the acts of another person. Supporters of this bill argued it would be unfair to allow lawsuits against firearms manufacturers and dealers based on the actions of an individual who may have purchased one of their products. The Governor will not give the legislation his consideration.”
You can contact Rep. Kiefert at dhkiefert@nd.gov and Rep. Christensen at colechristensen@nd.gov. During the session, mail can be sent to us at: ND House of Representatives, 600 East Boulevard, Bismarck, ND 58505-0360. If you want to leave a phone message you can call the incoming toll-free number 1-888-NDLEGIS (1-888-635-3447). For hearing-impaired individuals, the TTY toll-free number is 1-800-366-6888 to reach a relay operator. If you wish to watch videos of the floor session and committee hearings, you can access that at legis.nd.gov.