VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) -The annual Debbie Miller Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals Wags & Whiskers Fundraiser will be held Saturday, May 8th from 5pm to 7pm in the Valley City Eagles Club.
All you can eat spaghetti $5 per person. Silent auction, Norwegian raffle, Cake walk and 50/50 raffle. The proceeds benefit local animals in need through the Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals.
If you’d like to donate new or gently used items for the auction contact Jenni Richmann at 701-840-8332.
More owners are getting their pets micro-chipped to help them and everyone locate lost pets in the community. Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals spokeswoman Cindy Schopper encourages pet owners to get their pets micro-chipped.
To learn more about pet adoption, membership or how to make a donation go to svfanimals.org or simply google Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals.