JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Rotary Club is giving area students the opportunity to grow themselves in leadership.
Rotary Club President Sean Johnson says one of the ways they’re offering these opportunities includes their new Rotoract Club at the University of Jamestown.
In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service. There are nearly 10,700 Rotaract Clubs with more than 203,000 members nationwide. Johnson says this also introduces students to the Rotary Club and what they do.
Another opportunity is the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards or RYLA. Johnson says this is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where you develop your skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.
Johnson says they’re accepting high school students who want to register for the event, but need to know by this week.
Johnson says it’s not necessary for you to know anything about Rotary to participate in RYLA.
You can email jamestownndrotary@gmail.com to get information and get involved.
The Jamestown Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at 12 PM at the Quality Inn & Suites. Learn more by following them on Facebook or visit rotary.org.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Sean Johnson below: