VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a news release from Valley City mayor Dave Carlsrud.
“Spring Clean-up” will be the week of May 24th. Please keep your alleys and boulevards free of junk until that time. Be proud of your property and keep it “Looking good” in the mean time. Thank you for your cooperation. https://www.valleycity.us/public-works/
Valley City is a Municipal Power Community and through Missouri River Energy Services (MRES), our electrical rates have been very reasonable and are expected to remain stable for many years to come. MRES’ leadership has utilized long range planning so that base load power generation along with renewable energy (hydro, wind, and solar) combined with hedge purchases of market power have enabled members like Valley City to avert increased energy costs during the polar vortex. In fact, MRES’ power generation exceeded needs during the polar vortex allowing MRES to realize financial gains.
Nicer weather is bringing more people out to enjoy Valley City parks, the Sheyenne River, shared use paths etc. People who are out on bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, walking and jogging need to enjoy their activities safely. Drivers need to be prudent about safety too. There are a number of drivers going too fast for conditions, speeding and going through stop signs. “Stop” means to “cease motion” versus slowing or rolling through. Please everyone, respect each other and be safe.
We are still in a drought! Over the weekend where there had been an inch of rain, a person though it would be okay to burn. The decision resulted in a runaway fire and a call to the fire department. Wait a bit longer, DO NOT burn yet!
Our Parks and Recreation and Valley City Public Works are cleaning and trimming our parks, streets and alleys for your use. Please dispose of your garbage in appropriate containers versus LITTERING. Please do your part in keeping our city the “Most Beautiful City in North Dakota”.
Chautauqua Park gets really dusty, please adhere to the 5 MPH Speed Limit so the kids playing and people picnicking can enjoy without dust. Oh, and drive slower in alleys. Thank you for your efforts.”
There are legislative bills that could affect you.
See: https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/regular to track bills and to contact your legislators if you wish. It is an interesting process to watch.
Blessings, Be Kind, Be Respectful and Pray
Valley City Mayor
Dave Carlsrud