
CARRINGTON, N.D. ( – The Foster County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, April 6th for their monthly meeting.

Commission Chair Becky Hagel reports they heard the latest from Road Superintendent Nate Monson as work continues on county roads. They also heard from Kaitlin Atkinson on the North Dakota Vision Zero Project and will be connecting with smaller cities to do redistricting.

Later, discussion on culverts took place. Hagel says they’ll look to contact the State Engineer for their guidance on culvert sizes in the county.

Hagel says otherwise, they wouldn’t be responsible for the culverts in the township. She says they’ll look to clarify the statute and Commissioner David Utke will be bringing back that report.

She added that in Commissioner Patrick Copenhaver’s township, they heard from residents on flooding issues reported in different sites.

Hagel also provided some clarification on the burn ban for the county. Right now, roughly 75% of the state is in a drought warning. Hagel says the county is in the moderate fire index.

Hagel says this will save resources so they aren’t being called out to check every report.

Listen to a full interview with Becky Hagel below: