VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a news release by Valley City Public Schools Superintendent Josh Johnson.
“A reminder that there will be No School on Thursday, April 1st. This is NOT an April Fool’s joke😎
Change to District COVID-19 Plan starting Tuesday, April 6th.
Beginning Tuesday, April 6th, Valley City Public Schools will allow students, staff members, and the public to remove face masks when “Outdoors” on school property. This change is a result of the limited number of COVID cases in our school district and the ability for individuals to better social distance when outdoors. We will not contact trace outdoor close contacts, unless ‘absolutely’ necessary. We will continue to emphasize that all individuals practice proper hand hygiene, social distance, and self-monitor for COVID symptoms. This modification to our health and safety protocols is subject to change and has been supported by our local health team, DERT Team, and school board. Thank you for continuing to support our efforts to keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy. We will, of course, continue to monitor the COVID situations in our school district and community and be prepared to make future modifications, as necessary.
The school calendar for the 2021-2022 school year has been approved and is attached below.
Paving the Parking Lot at Hanna Field/Jefferson Elementary:
The school board approved an asphalt paving project that will be completed this summer in the parking lots at Hanna Field and Jefferson Elementary. This paving project is long overdue having been delayed due to the recent construction at Hanna Field. We are optimistic that this project will lead to improved student safety for Jefferson Elementary students (more to come). This project should also end any speculation that the “Loch Ness” monster of Valley City has been mysteriously living in one of our potholes at Hanna Field. If there was any wonder, you can see a picture that is attached below and taken from one of our local photographers😉
The very best wishes to you and your family on a wonderful Easter holiday weekend! On Tuesday, April 6th, we will officially have 37 school days remaining in 2020-2021. Let’s finish strong and have a great ending to the school year! Go Hi-Liners!!
Josh Johnson
Valley City Public Schools
(701) 845-0483