
By Brittnee Wilson

CANDO, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – At its March meeting, the Northern Plains Electric Operation Round Up board of directors approved grants totaling $9,800 to help support worthy causes.

These charitable grants are made possible through the generosity of Northern Plains Electric Cooperative members who voluntarily elect to have their electric bills rounded up to the next dollar. The donated amount averages about 50 cents a month for each participating member, and raises approximately $37,000 each year.

Since the program’s beginning in October 1998, grants totaling $834,162 have been awarded to 1157 local charitable causes.

Grants approved in March include:

Woodworth Fire Department, Purchase turn out gear
Woodworth First Responders, Continuing education costs
Cathay Fire Protection District, Purchase SCBA tanks
Jack Geske, Pingree, Medical expenses
Cheryl Hager, Balta, Medical expenses
Edith Armey, Cand, Medical expenses
Lori Stahl, Glenfield, Medical expenses
Anton Korb, Cando, Medical expenses
Sylvia Martin, Pettibone, Medical expenses
Kerry & Roxann Haugen, Cando, Medical expenses

Help someone in need
Do you know someone who faces a challenge? If so, you may want to consider submitting an application on their behalf. Operation Round Up charitable grains are making a difference in the lives of people right here in our region.

The Operation Round Up board meets every quarter to disburse funds to worthy individuals and organizations. The board will meet again in June to review applications. Application deadline is May 20, 2021.

If you would like additional information about this worthy program, please contact Northern Plains Electric Cooperative by calling (800) 882-2500; or, you may obtain guidelines or download applications at www.nplains.com.