JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Residents and visitors to Jamestown now have a guide created by the Jamestown Parks & Recreation Department of different things to see and do during the Spring and Summer months in 2021.
The 2021 Spring/Summer Activity Guide was created to stay on top of everything JPRD has happening this spring and summer.
TRAC Facilities Manager Amy Walters.
Walters says the benefit of the guide is it will be seasonal, allowing focus on the various activities and events that take place during different parts of the year.
The guide also provides directions to different amenities provided by the Jamestown Parks & Recreation Department including the dog park, horseshoe courts, skateboard park, disc golf courses, sensory garden, rental venues, family friendly events and dates, programs, contact information, and more.
While there are physical copies, Walters says having a virtual copy allows them to make adjustments and update if events or programs change.
You can find the virtual guide here, or online at jamestownparksandrec.com or tracjamestown.com
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Amy Walters below: