VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Many areas around the United States have had awful snow, rain and tornado events recently. We have much for which are to be grateful.
Tesa Klein, North Dakota Winter Show (NDWS) Manager, her team and the NDWS Directors, facilitated a really good show last weekend. There were many vendors, good crowds and beautiful weather. Thank you all for your efforts, great job.
One of many grand NDWS Events was Sunday morning’s Cowboy Church. A young couple, Courtney and Austin, shared a few heartfelt, touching messages. If you are intrigued, watch for it next year.
The 10-day weather forecast looks to be favorable though I am keeping our snow blower in the garage for “insurance”. Getting out in this nice weather is good for our behavioral health. Our dog just took me for a walk after which we bonded with some grooming sheers. She was pretty matted so while she feels better, the next cut will have her looking better too.
To paraphrase the report from Bald Hill Dam, the pool of the lake is as low as the Corps of Engineers want it to be for spring. That there is no inflow from runoff at this time, releases will be minimal.
This week a good number of COVID Vaccines are expected to arrive. Make your appointment now at: City-County Health District website, citycountyhealth.org or call 845-8518.
Valley City
Dave Carlsrud