JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Central Valley Health District continues to provide public updates regarding COVID-19, vaccinations, mass testing, and more.
Shannon Klatt, Director of Health Promotion at Central Valley Health, reports that vaccinations continue at an increasing rate in Stutsman County.
Klatt says as they enter Phase 1C, essential workers become the focal point of the vaccinations. She adds they have references on their website explaining what an essential worker is and who can sign up for the vaccine now.
Klatt says to simplify the list, those who worked through the pandemic from March 2020 until now, you would more than likely qualify as an essential employee. Find that list here.
While they progress through the different tiers and phases, Klatt says anyone who qualifies in Phases 1A and 1B are more than welcome to receive the vaccine still.
With three vaccinations now available to North Dakotans and Stutsman County residents, Klatt says it doesn’t matter which vaccine you receive.
Klatt says testing is also conducted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the Jamestown Civic Center from 11 AM to 12 PM. You can visit testreg.nd.gov to register if you haven’t already done so.
Central Valley Health is also conducting 1st Dose COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics. Klatt says these won’t be held on a regular schedule just yet due to several factors at this time.
Klatt says they’ll look at holding more clinics in the future as more vaccines become available.
For more information on COVID-19 locally including vaccination clinics and testing events, visit centralvalleyhealth.org or like them on Facebook.