CARRINGTON, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be available to residents in Foster County.
The vaccine now joins the Pfizer vaccine and Moderna vaccine being offered in the state, giving residents more opportunity to get vaccinated for COVID-19. Lisa Hilbert with Foster County Health says they will be able to offer the new vaccine this week.
Hilbert adds that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is only one shot compared to the two required from the other vaccines.
It’s also shown there are less reactive side effects for those who have had COVID-19 prior to being vaccinated. Residents are encouraged to take whatever vaccine is available to them.
Hilbert says 28.8% of Foster County residents have received their first vaccination of either Pfizer or Moderna and 16.2% have received their second dose.
Currently, area partners are focused on providing vaccinations to previous priority groups and will soon move to 18 or older with two or more chronic health conditions.
Hilbert added that they will also be receiving more doses of the vaccines in Foster County.
Partners in Foster County include:
Carrington Drug – 701-652-2521
Foster County Public Health – 701-652-3087
Central Pharmacy – 701-652-2651
CHI St. Alexius Carrington – 701-652-2515
Listen to a full interview with Lisa Hilbert below: