CARRINGTON, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – It’s a busy time for the Carrington Area Chamber of Commerce.
Carrington Chamber Executive Director Laurie Dietz reports they’ll be hosting their joint annual meeting of Carrington Area Chamber of Commerce, Carrington Economic Development, Carrington Community Development Corp., and the Convention & Visitors Bureau on Thursday, March 25th.
Dietz says they’re also gearing up for the Citywide Yard Sales in May.
Other item Dietz encourages residents to look forward to include the upcoming Gearing Up for Kindergarten program March 16th at the Carrington Elementary School.
“This program is for parents with children who are 5 years old by July 31, 2021 and are planning to attend Kindergarten in Carrington for the 2021-22 school year,” Dietz says.
You can call 701-652-2739 for further information and are asked to register before March 12th.
Dietz added that the annual Community Easter Egg Hunt is still a go for Saturday, April 3rd.
She says the Chamber Scholarship applications are still available and the deadline to submit applications is April 1st. The Community Endowment Fund applications are also due March 15th.
For more information, contact the Carrington Chamber of Commerce at 701-652-2524 or stop by at 871 Main Street in Carrington.
Listen to a full interview with Laurie Dietz below: