JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Central Valley Health has announced that COVID-19 vaccination clinics are now open to those who are in the Phase 1C category.
“We have officially opened up our COVID vaccination clinics to all of those who are in priority group Phase 1C and have lots of appointments still available,” CVH states.
Their clinic is scheduled for our clinic schedule for this Wednesday, March 10 at the Civic Center in the Exchequer Room, through the North door from 1-5pm.
Phase 1C is a very broad category and specifically includes:
- National Guard, not previously covered
- Workers enabling access to human food (i.e., grocery workers), not including restaurant workers
- Public safety answering points (911)
- Manufacturing related to the development or supply of COVID-19 vaccine
- Other healthcare/public health workers not included in phase 1A
- Free standing clinical laundries
- Public transit, including bus, taxi, ride-share
- Persons age 16 – 64 with one or more high-risk medical conditions
- Blood bank workers not previously vaccinated
- Information Technology
- All other essential workers per Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
If you are curious to see if you qualify as an “essential worker,” visit here. If you are still unsure, you’re encouraged to register for an appointment.
To register for an appointment, visit www.centralvalleyhealth.org and click the “COVID-19” tab.