JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JRMC) – Gauging the health needs of the region is important to healthcare organizations in the community.
Jamestown Regional Medical Center and Central Valley Health are surveying Stutsman County residents through March 10. Results of the survey help health organizations improve community health and provide better services, said Mike Delfs, JRMC President & CEO.
The survey is part of a community health needs assessment, required every three years.
“We encourage Stutsman County residents to participate in the survey,” Delfs said. “This helps us understand the pulse of the community and how we can better serve the people in it.”
Surveys are available online or in-person at JRMC.
All survey responses are anonymous, and there is no way to track responses back to individuals. Survey responses are returned to the Center for Rural Health to help ensure anonymity. A postage-paid return envelope is included with each written survey. Residents may access an interactive, online version of the survey here. It can also be accessed on JRMC’s website at www.jrmcnd.com.
Completing the survey takes about 25 minutes.
“This is an exciting opportunity for us to put our finger on the pulse of healthcare” said Robin Iszler, unit administrator for Central Valley. “We’ve got some big challenges here, and I’m hopeful this can produce big opportunities for us to improve health and quality of life.”
View results of previous surveys here. For more information, please call (701) 952-4795 or visit www.jrmcnd.com.