BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a legislative report by North Dakota House Representative’s Dwight Kiefert and Rep. Cole Christensen.
The Members of North Dakota House of Representatives wrapped up the first half of the legislative session this week and will now head into cross-over. This means all of the bills which passed the House and Senate will now head to opposite chamber for final consideration. Over the last week the members of the House worked diligently to finish voting on the last of the bills introduced this session.
On Friday, the House passed HB 1431 by a vote of 74-17. This bill allows bonds to be issued to help finance major infrastructure and water projects around the state. The bonds would be financed using Legacy Fund earnings and can be paid back over a twenty-year period. Supporters of the bill argued that funding infrastructure projects such as much needed flood control and redoing roads and bridges across the State will benefit all North Dakotans. In addition, it was explained by supporters that because this bill utilizes legacy fund earnings, the citizens will see no tax increases to pay for the infrastructure projects. This bill will now be considered by the Senate.
On Monday the House debated a number of significant bills on the floor. The session began with passage of HB 1323 with a close vote of 50-44. This bill prohibits both the State and counties and cities from mandating the individual use of facemasks. The bill however does not prohibit private businesses from requiring facemasks. Supporters of the legislation argued it should be up to individuals and private businesses determine the necessity of facemasks. Several members spoke in opposition to the bill. They opposed the idea of removing the ability of individual cities to create their own local policies on facemasks. The bill now heads to the Senate.
The House also passed HB 1452. This bill creates a Clean Sustainable Energy Authority in North Dakota. The Authority will work bring new and emerging energy technologies to North Dakota while continuing to promote the development of existing resources such as oil, gas, and coal. The bill had widespread support. Proponents of the legislation stated that it would not only promote clean energy in North Dakota, it would advanceour existing oil, gas, and coal industries and grow our economy.
On Tuesday, the House approved a Concurrent Resolution which will create an initiated measure to legalize betting on sporting events in North Dakota. Currently sports betting is illegal in our state. However, with the creation of this initiated measure, voters across the State will now have an opportunity to vote to legalize sports betting. Supporters argued that this resolution allows the people of North Dakota to decide whether or not to legalize betting on sporting events. They also pointed out its already legal in nearly 30 states. Opponents voiced concerns with potentially legalizing another form of gambling in North Dakota. The Senate will have the opportunity to consider the issue further.
On Wednesday the House wrapped up the first half of the legislative session by voting on all the remaining bills. HB 1425 passed by a wide margin. This bill advises the State to consider moving certain Legacy Fund investments to North Dakota. Currently, the Legacy Fund has investments across the country and internationally with a goal of getting a high rate of return on those investments. This bill requests 20% of those investments be made right here in North Dakota. Proponents pointed to a study showing this bill would create jobs and grow our State’s economy.
You can contact Rep. Kiefert at dhkiefert@nd.gov and Rep. Christensen at colechristensen@nd.gov. During the session, mail can be sent to us at: ND House of Representatives, 600 East Boulevard, Bismarck, ND 58505-0360. If you want to leave a phone message you can call the incoming toll-free number 1-888-NDLEGIS (1-888-635-3447). For hearing-impaired individuals, the TTY toll-free number is 1-800-366-6888 to reach a relay operator. If you wish to watch videos of the floor session and committee hearings, you can access that at legis.nd.gov.